Arctiberrys Lingonberry [Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea] Powder is a berry powder for a healthy lifestyle based on wild, midnight sun ripened Nordic lingonberries. The nourishing berries contain vitamin E, manganese and is also a good source of fibre. The lingonberry is rich in many different types of polyphenols, the potential health properties of which are being researched intensively. It also contains lignans, proanthocyanidins and resveratrol.
Our lingonberry products are hand picked in the clean, Northern nature of Lapland and the Arctic region. Lingonberries mature late and are hand picked at the end of season, from August and until the end of September. The unique flavour of lingonberry is sharp and a little sour. Lingonberry is a healthy berry because it contains a lot of flavonoids and lignans, substantially more that other berries.
Lingonberry contains plentiful organic acids, vitamins C, provitamin A as beta carotene, B vitamins (B1, B2 and B3, and the elements potassium. calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. In addition to these nutrients, they also contain healthy phytochemicals combatting the aging process.
The seeds are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.In addition, lingonberry contains the short-chained proanthocyanidines and is recognized to have protective properties against urinary tract and infections.
Consume 5 g (approximately 2 teaspoons) per day.INGREDIENTS
100% berry powder from wild, Nordic Lingonberries [Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea]